General Information

Registration and Admission

Places are made available by mutual agreement on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of our formal registration form and a £75 administration fee. Great care is taken to deal with new admissions responsibly and sensitively. Parents unfamiliar with parting from their children will be supported by their child’s key worker during the settling in period.

Illness and Medicines

We rely on all parents to take care not to bring their children to nursery if they are unwell. Particular care should be taken to maintain a period of absence of 48 hours after a bout of sickness or diarrhoea. We are of course willing to offer advice based on considerable experience of childhood ailments.

The N.H.S. has provided a very useful guide to treating childhood illnesses and whether your child should be coming in to nursery:
NHS Child Health Advice

We would always advise you should your child become unwell while at nursery and, only if necessary, request that you come to collect your child.

We will not administer any medicines without your specific written instructions and authorisation to do so.

All our staff have current paediatric first aid qualifications.

Nursery Policies

All of our policies on issues such as safeguarding and education are available to view on our website.

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