OFSTED have rated The Children’s House “Good” in all areas!
In our most recent Ofsted Inspection on 22nd February 2022, we were awarded ‘Good’ in all areas of the inspection. The Inspector commented during feedback that our Principal, Stacey Orman had done remarkably well in only her first year in the role, and that she had witnessed some excellent interactions between our staff and the children whilst spending the day with us.
You can read the lovely comments that were made in our Inspection report by following this link…Children’s House Ofsted Report.
We also have paper copies available in the nursery on request.
We were particularly pleased with some of the comments made by the Inspector;
“Staff provide good support, so the less confident children soon believe in their own ability and are proud of their achievements.”
“Staff have a good understanding of what the children can do and what they need to learn next. They plan the environment well and follow children’s lead, extending their thinking and language skills.”
“Staff consistently support children in understanding their emotions.”
“The special educational needs coordinator has a strong knowledge of her role and works well with outside agencies. She understands how to support individual children successfully to help ensure they make good progress in an inclusive provision.”