Early Education Funding
We are registered with Dorset Council to allow families to access the following funding initiatives…
15 Hours Funding for 2-3 Year Olds
Children from working families are eligible for funding for their childcare. Please see the Dorset Council link for details.
Working families of 2-year-olds are eligible for up to 15 hrs of funding per week, for 38 weeks of the year if they are in receipt of a working families HMRC eligibility code.
This can be applied for from the term the child turns 9 months, and becomes eligible from the term after the child turns 9 months. It needs to be updated with HMRC every 3 months. The code must be given to the nursery as early as possible prior to claiming any funding.
Families who don’t qualify for a working families HMRC eligibility code, can apply for 2-year funding from Dorset Council on the grounds of low income and being in receipt of certain benefits. Eligible families will receive an FEE code from Dorset which they need to pass on to the nursery as early as possible prior to claiming any funding.
From September 2025
Children from working families are eligible for funding for their childcare. Please see the Dorset Council link for details.
Working families of 2-year-olds are eligible for up to 30 hrs of funding per week, for 38 weeks of the year if they are in receipt of a working families HMRC eligibility code.
From September 2025, funded hours can be used on any funded sessions with a £1.91/hr charge for additional services.
This can be applied for from the term the child turns 9 months, and becomes eligible from the term after the child turns 9 months. It needs to be updated with HMRC every 3 months. The code must be given to the nursery as early as possible prior to claiming any funding.
Families who don’t qualify for a working families HMRC eligibility code, can still apply for 2-year funding from Dorset Council on the grounds of low income and being in receipt of certain benefits for up to 15 hours per week. Eligible families will receive an FEE code from Dorset which they need to pass on to the nursery as early as possible prior to claiming any funding. No additional service charges will apply for funded hours with an FEE code.
15 Hours Funding for 3-4 Year Olds
ALL 3-4 year old children can receive up to 15 hours of funding per week which they can use with no additional charges during our standalone late afternoon sessions (see Hours, Fees & Holidays section for details). Currently, funded hours can be used during any sessions with a £1.91/hr charge for additional services.
30 Hours Funding for 3-4 Year Olds
Families where both parents work (or working single-parent families) may be eligible for 30 hours of funding per week. Where families attending with us previously qualified for 2 year old funding with an FEE code, we offer a limited number of places where this can be used with no additional charges. Currently, for all other families there is a £1.91/hr charge for additional services. Please see the Dorset Council link for details.
Early Years Pupil Premium
Additional funding of up to £387 per year is available to improve the educational outcomes of qualifying children. This money enables us to purchase tailored resources and services to support your child. A voluntary registration/consent form is attached to our registration forms for parents to complete if their child may become eligible once they qualify for 3 & 4 year old funding.
Special Educational Needs Funding
Some funding is available for children with S.E.N. to enable additional support while in the Nursery. Please see the Dorset Council link for details.
Please Note: Dorset County Council only offer funding for 38 weeks per year. Sometimes our term length differs from DC so there may be odd weeks where we require full fees. This is even more pronounced for full-time attendance as funding does not cover holiday periods. In order to lessen the shock of large bills, we automatically spread funding over the whole attendance so your bills are more even.
Dorset Council Funding Information: https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/children-families/childcare/childcare-funding/childcare-funding-options
Department of Education Fact Sheet for 30 hours of funding: 30 hrs free childcare eligibility
The Government has brought together information for all new schemes to assist with childcare costs called Childcare Choices.
Childcare Choices brings together all the government childcare offers in one place for the first time. The new Childcare Choices website makes it easy to find out what’s on offer.
Use the Childcare Calculator at www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator to see what offers are available to support you and your family.
To find out more about current offers, and how they can help you, go to the Childcare Choices website today at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
For details on how we collect & store information for funding see Our-Privacy-Notice