Coming to nursery with an existing injury or new medicine
In order to make it easy to come to nursery with an existing injury or new medicine here are the forms you need to fill in.
In order to make it easy to come to nursery with an existing injury or new medicine here are the forms you need to fill in.
We are open 8.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday 48 weeks per year with 2 weeks closure at Christmas and 2 weeks closure in August.
The school also closes for bank holidays.
We offer a two-tier system of attendance to cater both for parents seeking Term-time only of 39 weeks p.a. and also for parents requiring Full-time attendance of 48 weeks p.a.
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Many of the children who attend with us go on to graduate to Rushcombe 1st School. The school provides opportunities for our children to become familiar with their reception class teachers who spend time with the school leavers in nursery, and we are often invited to Rushcombe events such as their Christmas carol service. We have a dress up box in nursery with the Rushcombe school uniform so our children become familiar with the clothes they will wear at big school.
We are registered with Dorset Council to allow eligible families to access the following funding initiatives…
We have an adverse weather policy in place to ensure our nursery is prepared for all weather conditions that might affect the running of the nursery such as floods and snow.
In any of these circumstances the nursery will close when the Headteacher at Rushcombe School deems it necessary to close the school due to adverse weather.
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